I have been spending some time with my not so little brother, a good foot taller than moi, and his gorgeous family in Adelaide. I have been sleeping in, out for lunch most days, enjoyed New Years Eve fire works in the city on the night I arrived and have been enjoying the constant chatter of my 4 year old nephew. My brother has been playing taxi driver and has taken me somewhere new every day, mostly to shops that I simply don't have access to.
Master 4 says we are "investigating" his word not mine... and so we do, provided of course that we find the toy section in every new shop we investigate... as you do....
Today we went up to One Tree Hill to a simply stunning little cafe nestled amongst the gum trees. The food was awesome but a visit to the bathroom is a must.....at Art Though Da Vince's Eyes. Do yourself a favour especially art lovers, gardeners and of course foodies.